The Girls Academy League Announces Partnership Details with Hudl — Fall 2022/Spring 2023 Season

Girls Academy is partnering with Hudl to improve the performance of players on and off the field. With this partnership, the Girls Academy has a league exchange video sharing platform that provides easy access for all involved. Coaches and athletes will have greater access to scout video from any device to prepare for game day.
With 92 clubs, nine conferences, and over 13,000 players, Girls Academy has one of the nation’s most dynamic soccer development platforms and focuses on the excellence of the athlete and of the person. This environment is one of their many values that aligns with Hudl’s mission to make every moment count. The industry leader in sports technology, Hudl will work with the Girls Academy to achieve that mission together.
“Hudl is excited to partner with Girls Academy to further develop the world of girls soccer,” said Greg Nelson, Hudl Senior VP and General Manager. “We look forward to providing new opportunities for athletes and teams to succeed. Hudl’s video exchange and analysis services will help programs explore their potential even further.”
As part of the partnership with Hudl, GA requires home teams to upload game film within 24 hours of the match to ensure every athlete can view games—and look at their individual performance using Hudl’s online tools—quickly and easily. Along with providing a space for Girls Academy to upload film, Hudl is working with GA to move existing content from current platforms. The partnership also allows for teams to receive discounted Hudl club packages.
“The Girls Academy is proud to partner with Hudl as our video and analytics platform,” stated Lesle Gallimore, Girls Academy’s commissioner. “Customer service, collaboration with club directors, and quality of product are just a few of the reasons Hudl is a great fit for our league.”
For Girls Academy, creating a positive space that empowers players to reach their best potential, all while having a say in their experience, is key. Players have the opportunity to nominate a player-led Advisory Panel that represents the same values and opinions the players have. The Advisory Panel allows for an open conversation between the players and the league on matters that are important to the players, including: establishing and executing charitable initiatives, their experiences and potential improvements to the league, and more.
Girls Academy is paving the way for young women athletes to change the game of soccer, and with Hudl’s partnership, they’ll have even more resources to achieve their goals.